Wedding Trends : Mason Jars Shower Invitations
One of this year's wedding trend has been the popular Mason Jars theme with many beautiful mason jars shower invitations and matching mason jar wedding invites, mason jars thank you notecards and much more!. Four featured design event theme ideas include Couple Shower and Bridal Showers, i have chosen are just a few of the many great mason jars shower designs available out there.Make sure you check each shop link of the different cards to see the full range of sizes and designs, each featured designer offers.
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[/h_stab_panel] [h_stab_panel title=”Country Rustic” description=”country rustic mason jar bridal shower invitation” rel=””]
country rustic mason jar bridal shower invitations by jinaiji
[/h_stab_panel] [h_stab_panel title=”Red Aqua” description=” Mason Jar Modern Engagement Party Personalized Invitations ” rel=””]
[/h_stab_panel][h_stab_panel title=”Country Mason Jar” description=”Rustic Bridal Shower Invitations” rel=””]
Country Mason Jar Rustic Bridal Shower Invitations by RusticCountryWedding
[sws_divider_bar11 barsize=”500″] [/sws_divider_bar11]
Mason Jars Shower Party Theme Ideas
For those having a country or rustic theme wedding – Mason jars are an economical and easy way to utilize when decorating the event. Any type of jars can be used. This years popular trend the Mason Jars would also go really well for cutesy and modern style. Click the image below for more party theme inspirations
[sws_divider_bar11 barsize=”500″] [/sws_divider_bar11]
[sws_hor_stab width=”0″ height=”0″ contentAnim=”slideH” contentAnimTime=”600″ easing=”easeInOutExpo” autoHeight=”false” autoHeightTime=”400″ autoplay=”false” autoplayInterval=”4000″ auto=”” buttonsFunction=”slide” tabSaveState=”false” tabsAnimTime=”300″ tabsEasing=””][h_stab_panel title=”POPULAR INVITES” rel=””]
new and popular mason jars shower invitations
[zstore keywords=”mason jars, shower, invitations” showhowmany=”12″ defaultsort=”popularity”][/h_stab_panel] [h_stab_panel title=”PRODUCT INFO” rel=””]
Create customizable party invitations for every and any occasion! Personalize both sides of this flat card for free. All the text, font style and colour are full customizable.
- Choose from six paper types and nine colors
- High quality, full-color, full-bleed printing on both sides
- Each invitation comes with a white envelope
Save with bulk orders!
- 25 – 49 invites » 10% off
- 50 – 99 invites » 25% off
- 100 – 249 invites » 40% off
- 250 – 499 invites » 50% off
- 500+ invites » 60% off
[/h_stab_panel] [h_stab_panel title=”NEWEST INVITES” rel=””][zstore keywords=”mason jars, bridal shower, invitations” showhowmany=”12″ defaultsort=”newest” showpagination=”false”][/h_stab_panel] [/sws_hor_stab]